Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brooklyn SL,UT

It's been a few years since I moved and the friends I left behind are just the way I remember them. There are very few people who remain consistent, and I think I got them all.

Leaving my mother's was bittersweet. I was sad to say goodbye, but excited to see my friends (some of which I haven't seen in two years). The first day was probably the most exciting. I met up with Stay Lo and dropped my junk off at the house she was tending. There was a sexy pug named Tucker that we got to watch, making me miss my Chico! Love the pugs.

As the sun set, my friends and I arrived at my favorite Utah gay bar. It's a total hole in the wall, my kind of place! It's funny that the bartender remembered me, I think at one point in my drunken past we made out. Anyway, a decent group showed up as I started to get messy. The beers were gigantic and I was drinking them as fast as I could. What I did learn at the bar is that Christmas in Utah can't compare to that of New York. Worth noting for next year. We took pictures and did the hug thing until people started to head home. Ray Ray, Stay Lo and I went back to Tucker the pug for beers and sleep.

The rest of my trip was not as eventful. Getting buried by end of year deadlines I had to back out of my Vegas New Year's plans with B. Brown. It sucked, but it was the only option. I still didn't manage to get everything I needed to done on time. The only other exciting thing happened the second day of my friend time. Mandee had mentioned she was getting a tattoo with her husband. In order to keep up, Ray Ray and I went to get tats as well. Ray Ray started what will become a zombie collage on her forearm, and (if you haven't seen my facebook) I put BROOKLYN down my side. Let me tell you, getting tattoos on your ribs hurts like a tranny whore. What helps is forcing someone like Mandee to sit there and talk to you the entire time. Oh, and take half a valium.

Like everything in life, my trip had to end. I was sad to leave my friends, but overjoyed to be getting back to my world. The only drawback is that I have two more weeks out of town with work before life will resume normality.

OH! I almost forgot to mention: Shew and I are out of the land of gray and officially dating. He's a brave boy to take on the pretty mess that is me, but I think he might be able to handle it.

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