Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roll Me Over

My entire life has been filled with holding grudges and getting even. As more time goes by it feels like more of a daunting task than the exciting event it used to be.

When you're in high school it's fun to play the games and fight with your friends. I recall one incident where some friends and I called someone a bean pole with carpet munchies(I think Whitney is the only person who can recall this). In our defense... it's still funny. The point is, we all get off on being mean to other people. When someone trips and you smile, or they get hurt and you laugh, it's all the same. There's a little bit of evil in all of us.

Something new I've been trying out on Shew is getting over stuff. Example: If he pisses me off I just let it go. This is totally out of character for me. It's one of the things I've learned after a year of being single. I've also learned to be a tad more patient with people... but that's still a work in progress. There are at least two people that get me instantly wound up, making me want to set them on fire.

Trying to be proactive in my life and let the little things go, I decided it was time to get over the stuff with my roomie. Talk about a fast turnaround. She walked into the apartment yesterday and I just said hi and we had a conversation. Things shifted right back to normal. We went through the storage unit together in an effort to prepare for our upcoming moves, and make a small donation to the people in Haiti. After that it was laundry and dinner. It's odd that after something like two months of almost no conversation we're totally back to normal.

It's good that we're past that point, funny that we'll no longer be living together. I suppose my roomie's mom was right all along about us just needing to be apart.

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