Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wine, Whine and Music

There's a weekend of drinks and fun to share, but first it is necessary to get the whine out of the way. Where along the way it happened is impossible to know, but it is now clear that my friends and I are outside the protective bubble of twenty-something life. At this crossroad we are either damaging others, ourselves or both. This comes to mind after talking to a friend that's having an affair. Personally, it doesn't bother me because people can make their own decisions. It does however feel like we've taken teenage traits and applied credit cards and hotel rooms to the mix. Just something that's been floating around my mind, but now for the more interesting stuff.

The Russian invited me along with a handful of others out to LI for a wine tasting tour. After a night out and three hours of sleep, dragging myself out of the bed was torture. The ironic part of this story is that the Animator had text me late Friday to remind me not to be late. Arriving right on time, it was a surprise with the Animator overslept and no-showed. My theory here is that he needed to get out of attending to use the wine cash for the cruise he's leaving on today...though that's speculation.

So, the five of us piled into a limo where we enjoyed Top Pop and vodka at 9:30 in the morning. One of the group is a Greek guy I believe, thus we will label him the Greek - clever I know. Now, I know that I'm not usually the most affectionate nor perceptive person when it comes to interacting with people, but the Greek seemed to be giving my ass a lot attention. The first pat was fine and a little flirty, but then they continued through two tastings. It wouldn't be worth mentioning, but like my friend mentioned above, the Greek had a boyfriend. Either I'm misinterpreting friendly touching, or as usual I'm producing my attraction pheromone: You have a boyfriend but would probably make a move if I gave you the go-ahead, but I don't want to be labeled a home wrecking hooker, even though it would really be you making a bad decision. The third tasting began and ended with breaking glasses, the first by mistake and the second on purpose like something from a Jewish wedding.

The two hour limo ride back to Astoria nearly killed me as I have the bladder of a twelve year old girl and happened to be pumped full of booze. Once relieved everyone abandoned the Russian and I as they all apparently have lives when it comes to Saturday night. They missed out, the most fun came out of the next few hours as we played, "you've got to hear this song." Bad 80's and 90's music pretty much do it for me, toss beer and pizza into the mix and it pretty much makes it a top ten night. With cell phone dead, head spinning and eyes drooping I passed out on the couch. Eventually the Russian awoke and offered up his bed. I'm appreciative that he didn't ask me to head home, not that he would, but guys have done stranger things.

Here I'll give you some let down as there was no funny business. It was just a night of fun and games that unexpectedly occurred without the usual pressure and stigma of a date or Grindr date. As a side note and an ending I can say that I did learn how influential Shew was in pushing people out of my life. It's amazing what you can learn about yourself from the point of view of another person.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Queens

Last night was Foxxy Business' annual Oktobertefest, no that's not a typo. An interesting night to say the least. My personal highlight had to be Business' friend Nissi. She comes up to me at the beginning of the party, "I know you." Really when someone says that to me it can go either way. It turned out she remembered that I have a habit of running my mouth and commentating on everyone/everything. She did take pause to ask if I was going to be able to control myself when the plus sized guests arrived. I'm not cruel, I know how to just use facial expressions to judge.

The party had a little bit of everything. A variety of pumpkin flavored beers, straight guys trapped in a room of gays, and Business getting sliced up by sugar laced with shards of glass - that's some serious diet action. After a few hours the Animator began to text and just happened to be down the street at a mutual friend's party. Once they realized that Shew was not with me, an invitation was extended and I navigated the foreign land of Queens.

There are only two things worth noting about the second party. One: I had to correct the story of what really happened with Shew two times, plus a few times at the first party. Two: The Russian was there and as I was leaving says, "I'd like to see more of you." I assume that means the obvious, but then again you never really know what someone's thinking. Also, I have no idea how intoxicated anyone was since I arrived to that party pretty late in comparison.

Trying to escape back to the city I managed to get the Animator and myself lost, piling into a cab for rescuing. Once back in the city I realized I'd had much more to drink than originally intended. As we stood in the center of Industry and the room began to spin, the most appropriate song was played. Oops...I did it again! Gay - yes. Amazing - more yes. Leaving on a high note, I had one final move in me for the evening. Mr. Kitty was getting a text whether he liked it or not. Having heard from him the night before at a point too late to go out, I was a little riled that he makes it so difficult to hangout. The point being, life is easy, stop making this shit so hard. Those are the drunken words of wisdom that I left him with before crawling onto the sofa and sinking into unconsciousness. Like I said, it was an interesting night.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Social Media Will Destroy Your Life

On television they are always talking about someone who lost their job or was divorced because they started flashing their cooter or running their mouth on a social media site. I myself have had a blog used against me in court, but it seems everyone is falling victim to the destruction of TMI.

My mother last week discovered her boyfriend of seven years has started cheating. He did so because a lost love found him on Facebook. The woman made the mistake of friending my mother. Once my mother discovered what was happening she left the mistress a public message which read, "Happy Birthday you home wrecking slut." Fortunately I know my mother's password and I took this down, changed her password, preventing her from damaging herself in an upcoming court battle as they fight for the house. This leads us into my next social media mess.

Last night, I discovered Grindr can be damaging to more than just the springs of a bed. For the last week I've been in a depression funk and hiding out in my apartment. No reason why, just one of those depressions that pops up and you have to wait for it to move on. I forced myself to go out and meet Shew and Foxxy Business. Business had his friend Brian in tote and his enthusiasm was a tad too much. He's bipolar and had he been on the other end of his personality it would have been perfect for my mood. Anyway, everyone whips out Grindr and starts hunting for penis. Shew flashes me a guy and asks if I knew him. I do, it's Mr. Kitty. I've been seeing Mr. Kitty in a non-serious way for the past two months.

Initially it was funny and I sent Mr. Kitty a text saying my friend had him as a favorite. Fortunately, they'd not hooked up as that would gross me out. I don't chase leftovers. An hour alter I'm home and watching a movie only to get a text from Mr. Kitty with a copy of Shew's messages to him. "We should all hang out." "There are things you should know." WHAT?! Shew is my friend and I would assume he would remove Mr. Kitty from his favorites and no longer make contact. Instead, he tries to make it so Mr. Kitty will either hook up with him or dislike me. This is not the first time, but it has got to be the last. After two years of backstabbing and manipulation it's time for the two of us to part ways. I hate to turn my back on one of my friends, but it seems the two of us can't be friends without constantly tormenting one another.

Though this will all likely go public as being my fault, I don't care. I called it quits and if that makes me the bitch, well, at least I can proudly keep my title. What I've learned is that social media constantly screws me over, even more so than the words that fly out of my mouth. However, I'm an addict and I'll keep spewing my thoughts and posting them online.