Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roll Me Over

My entire life has been filled with holding grudges and getting even. As more time goes by it feels like more of a daunting task than the exciting event it used to be.

When you're in high school it's fun to play the games and fight with your friends. I recall one incident where some friends and I called someone a bean pole with carpet munchies(I think Whitney is the only person who can recall this). In our defense... it's still funny. The point is, we all get off on being mean to other people. When someone trips and you smile, or they get hurt and you laugh, it's all the same. There's a little bit of evil in all of us.

Something new I've been trying out on Shew is getting over stuff. Example: If he pisses me off I just let it go. This is totally out of character for me. It's one of the things I've learned after a year of being single. I've also learned to be a tad more patient with people... but that's still a work in progress. There are at least two people that get me instantly wound up, making me want to set them on fire.

Trying to be proactive in my life and let the little things go, I decided it was time to get over the stuff with my roomie. Talk about a fast turnaround. She walked into the apartment yesterday and I just said hi and we had a conversation. Things shifted right back to normal. We went through the storage unit together in an effort to prepare for our upcoming moves, and make a small donation to the people in Haiti. After that it was laundry and dinner. It's odd that after something like two months of almost no conversation we're totally back to normal.

It's good that we're past that point, funny that we'll no longer be living together. I suppose my roomie's mom was right all along about us just needing to be apart.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Control is a great thing to have. The only down side is that most of the time you are at a lack of control and desperately trying to get a handle on it.

Having been away from home for the better part of a month, there are a few things that I wanted to return to. My friends, it just isn't the same drinking without them. My city, there's really no substitute for it. Last of all, my apartment. We are all aware from previous posts that my roomie and I have been on the outs for a bit. I haven't said much about it... because there's been nothing to tell.

I made a pre-trip home for a few days before my actual return. My roomie's mom had happened to drop into town and I was more than happy to see her. I've liked her ever since the first time I met her and she brought me a 2-liter of Pepsi for no reason. That's friggin' adorable! So, she came to visit for a few days and see my roomie. I probably only spent a total of thirty minutes talking to her in the two times I was home during this visits. She made mention while my roomie was in the shower that she thought we'd be better off once we were living apart. Probably true, but I'm not sure of what's to come for our former friendship.

When my official return came, I was supposed to show our apartment to some people my roomie had found. We're trying to find a new tenant so we can get out a month sooner! The people flaked and I ended up going home to switch out my clothes. I was warned that there were dishes in the sink. I was not warned about the overflowing dishes in the sink, or the mass of trash and recycling that needed to go out. This was just bad timing. What's the last thing you want to deal with on a bad day? A disaster that isn't yours. I ignored the mess and left, having decided months ago that I would no longer play mom for my roomie. The funny thing is that she has been much cleaner than before, but apparently my absence allowed the mess back in.

Now, when I went home today the dishes were done. However, the trash had doubled, including new pizza boxes and more recycling. Leftover food was smeared on the table and whatever was on the floor had been tracked through my bedroom. Frustration from work had me on edge, I couldn't calm down and work when the apartment looked like it had thrown-up on itself. I cleaned my room, the living room, and then the kitchen. I hate cleaning up after other people when I had no part in making the mess. There should be a special article in all rent agreements that reduces the rent for maid services. How much could I have made an hour cleaning today? The sad part is even though things look better, the place still looks dirty.

I only have to stick it out for one more month. One more month and I'll be in my new apartment all ALONE!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brooklyn SL,UT

It's been a few years since I moved and the friends I left behind are just the way I remember them. There are very few people who remain consistent, and I think I got them all.

Leaving my mother's was bittersweet. I was sad to say goodbye, but excited to see my friends (some of which I haven't seen in two years). The first day was probably the most exciting. I met up with Stay Lo and dropped my junk off at the house she was tending. There was a sexy pug named Tucker that we got to watch, making me miss my Chico! Love the pugs.

As the sun set, my friends and I arrived at my favorite Utah gay bar. It's a total hole in the wall, my kind of place! It's funny that the bartender remembered me, I think at one point in my drunken past we made out. Anyway, a decent group showed up as I started to get messy. The beers were gigantic and I was drinking them as fast as I could. What I did learn at the bar is that Christmas in Utah can't compare to that of New York. Worth noting for next year. We took pictures and did the hug thing until people started to head home. Ray Ray, Stay Lo and I went back to Tucker the pug for beers and sleep.

The rest of my trip was not as eventful. Getting buried by end of year deadlines I had to back out of my Vegas New Year's plans with B. Brown. It sucked, but it was the only option. I still didn't manage to get everything I needed to done on time. The only other exciting thing happened the second day of my friend time. Mandee had mentioned she was getting a tattoo with her husband. In order to keep up, Ray Ray and I went to get tats as well. Ray Ray started what will become a zombie collage on her forearm, and (if you haven't seen my facebook) I put BROOKLYN down my side. Let me tell you, getting tattoos on your ribs hurts like a tranny whore. What helps is forcing someone like Mandee to sit there and talk to you the entire time. Oh, and take half a valium.

Like everything in life, my trip had to end. I was sad to leave my friends, but overjoyed to be getting back to my world. The only drawback is that I have two more weeks out of town with work before life will resume normality.

OH! I almost forgot to mention: Shew and I are out of the land of gray and officially dating. He's a brave boy to take on the pretty mess that is me, but I think he might be able to handle it.