Monday, November 28, 2011

Social Calls

Shew sent Twinkle Toes home today and shared with me the details of the previous night. How is it that people always end up disliking me in one way or another? Let's rewind to the previous night. Shew text to let me know he and Twinkle Toes were on their way to a bar I like downtown. I declined the invite because it was after 10 p.m. And watching bad movies sounded good to me. They enjoyed their night and eventually made it back to Shew's place. Turns out that I was blasted for not attending and labels sour. Apparently Twinkle Toes viewed me as perpetually unfun. I despise this accusation because the pious three evenings I had gone out and had a great time. May I also add that the first two times I met Twinkle Toes I went out of my way to be fun and friendly. He can suck it. Not only was I labeled unfun, but the rest of my friends were labeled unfun because we didn't go out of our way to socialize with Twinkle Toe's friends at the house party on Thanksgiving. That's about crap, what person wants to invest their evening in people they will never see again? Also, when the only activity is dancing around to Wii you have to expect some will decline the invite to participate. So my vote is for Shew to find a gay that's less high maintenance and more user friendly.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Circle

Holidays are slightly different when you don't live near family. For the most part traditions don't interest me other than the gathering together. Fortunately, I have friends that fulfill this need. Thanksgiving really began on Wednesday and continued through Friday. The Animator who has been trapped within the confines of school has reemerged just long enough to partake of the fun. As one of my staple friends it has been unusual having him absent for so long. To compensate for the prolonged absence it became my mission to add a new friend to the circle.

Foxxy was originally The Animators friend and part of a couple that we occasionally encountered. Once Foxxy and his significant other split there was a need for The Animator to remain friends with both - separately. The down side of being friends with a couple is that when they break up one half of the couple will inevitably have to leave the group at some point. Only in very rare cases do both parties remain. Either things become awkward when one is dating or tension will come from someone still having some kind of interest in the other.

As of now Foxxy has officially become the fourth friend in my circle. Why am I placing such importance on this? Having a close knit circle of friends has always been a top priority. Three is the perfect number of friends as one is always available and no one ever ends up being left out. This comes from a decade of moving, making friends and then moving again just to start from square one.

A little bit about Foxxy as he is new to the mix and no one knows much about him. As I mentioned, he was originally one of The Animators friends, but fits well into our group. We have a lot of similar personality traits and he's the only friend who drinks beer as well! It's nice to not be the only one without vodka in my cup - minor details matter. The nickname Foxxy actually came from a group vote. Which means my habit of naming people has been adopted by my friends and that I only have a quarter of the vote. Didn't see that one coming.

Speaking of nicknames and committee voting - Shew has been dating a guy and The Animator took it upon himself to begin the naming process. I voted for Shooter as he is in television production and it has a nice play off of Shew. However, through the damn committee vote and The Animator's cousin, Noodles', extra vote we have settled upon Twinkle Toes, much to Shew's displeasure. This came from a house party on Thursday evening where Twinkle Toes was bustin' move to one of those Wii dancing games.

I'm not sure TT will be around for long as he isn't fond of us outside of Shew. Though Shew doesn't seem to realize he is beginning to exhibit the dating traits similar to my own. Lord help him!