Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Late Nights

The last few margarita Fridays have lasted until the Sun came up on Saturday. Not entirely sure how this habit has come to be, but it does give me flashbacks to when I first moved to the city. It's like I'm twenty-one with an all new cast of friends.

The night I have in mind was packed with some of my friends that are more like supporting characters than main crew. The Photog and a few of his friends met up with myself, Shew and F-Buisness at Barrage. Note: The Photog has a friend that Shew also knows and has a very special name. Escalator a few years back had an incident where he fell off an escalator and literally cracked his head open. The fact that he's walking around is amazing, but it's a little funny that someone can fall off an escalator. Photog also brought along two Jersey girls that were board out of their minds. I was totally amused by them. Give me a drink, girls and the night is set.

After a few hours I was able to convince Paul the Pilot to stop by for a drink. My phone should have special settings that filter my contacts based on my blood-alcohol level. Paul the Pilot is one of the more professional and proper people that I know. He's known me for about ten years and knows my thoughts on happiness. He also knows me from my younger more miserable days in Utah. He probed about my thoughts on happiness today and all I know is my tongue could not control the words that I was spewing. He eventually high-tailed it out of their and has been invisible since. Oy.

The night for most of my friends ended at the Ritz where it was a big stand-around-do-nothing-fest. Shew and I went back to my place and enjoyed a few more drinks. It's amazing how long I can talk non-stop after 3:00 a.m., as well as how delightfully insightful I become to myself. This Friday is special as it's F-Business' birthday so there is sure to be sexy fun to report.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Family Time

Christmas came and went and though it has taken me a minute to catch up - here's what happened. As usual I went off to Utah for my regular family and friend visit. This year was slightly different as I have grown tired of putting in the effort to see everyone that I've ever known. Instead, the select few that I still communicate with regularly were invited to a brief party on my final night in town. To spice things up I booked a hotel, invited my mom and her boyfriend and we all set off for a good time.

Things were going well right up to beer number five, or possibly six, it's a bit of a haze. My wife, Rachael, had to be up early to go to work and I insisted that she stay until the night was over because we see each other for three hours a year. To me this is the special circumstance that makes it acceptable to go into work a little tired. Three hours before the night had begun my mother and I had conversed about Rachael and her making better decisions and growing up. When I insisted Rachael stay, my mother, was vocal about me letting her leave. this I was not having. This has never happened, but we ended up screaming obscenities at one another in the middle of the bar.

Drunk and pissed I ditched the party and walked back to the hotel. Walking a mile without a coat is rather unpleasant in Utah at the end of December. Angry and not interested in continuing the fight I had the hotel put me in a new room. Cleverly I made sure it was possible to see the elevators and watched for my mother's return. To my surprise her boyfriend was ending the battle and at 1:00 a.m. drove them three hours back to their house.

Trapped alone in Salt Lake I did the only thing possible - Grindr. This cute little kid from California came over to fool around - let's say bad decision. He had the worst body odor in the world! It must be something about being from that area of the world, tanning like you're from Jersey and forgetting to take a shower. I swear, never again will I allow anyone from California near me with their penis.

After all of this there will be no more visits to Utah for the holidays. All holidays will be conducted from Starbucks in NYC as the lord intended.