Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Play With Me

There are points in time where my past life intersects with my present life. The last few days have been once such intersection, and all I know is that I should have given my friends more warning.

Mandee came to visit and our first night our began with a non-drag drag show, followed by dancing at the Ritz. When I was underage we used to dance on tables, in cages and on stage to such an extreme that no one believed I was gay. We picked up right where we left off, the only difference was that the clothes stayed on! Shew and the Animator were definitely surprised by my sexy straight behavior.

The next day brought a surprise as Mandee's boyfriend came to visit. I didn't realize he would be staying with us in my apartment. I'm not a big of strangers, and hate anyone being in my space. I did my best to accommodate and can say that my overall rating of him is average. Typical whiny straight guy. He wasn't aware that Mandee and I can entertain ourselves without any additional input.

Other memorable moments include: Getting ripped off by a tour bus from Chinatown. Getting stuck in the rain when the Museum of Sex was closed. Walking around battery Park half naked.

Our last big night out was the 4th of July and included rooftop drinks and fireworks. Definitely a fun night that will have a follow up when I take care of some sexy business. I left Mandee and her boy (did I mention she has a husband waiting at home - he knows about the bf) at their hotel and continued home. Shew cam along to grab some junk he left and then sat down on the sofa. We nearly had an altercation as I was forced to physically remove him from my apartment. All I can say is when someone tells you to go home - go the f*** home!

My friend is now headed home, but I made sure to get her good and toasted before sticking her in a cab headed for JFK. It was great to slip back into the shoes of my former self and dance, be sexy and just take a break. I'm ready for life to resume.

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