Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This is actually not a regular blog post. I wrote this for something else, but thought it was worth sharing here.

I’ve had a poor memory for as long as I can remember. What I have is a head full of scattered pictures that often seem part of a distant and unrelated life.
                  Looking into the past is easy for some, they tell about their earliest birthday or special family moments. The first thing I can recall is being under water. It’s a split second memory: I have my face in the ocean and there are white seashells trapped in the sand. That is all I can recall on my own, but family has filled in the blanks. This was a family getaway to California and we had stopped off at the beach for a day of sun and play. None of that means anything to me, like I said; family members have had to fill me in on the events.
                   The next thing locked away in the back of my mind comes nine years later. When I was about 12 my father announced that his eventual wife was moving in with us. That day is painted across my memory in such vivid colors that even time is unable to wash it away. This was the first time I had ever met, or heard, of this woman that was moving into my life. I would discover a decade later that my father had dated her while I spent weekends at my mother’s house. At once a party was put together in order for my father’s friends to meet my soon-to-be stepmother. The reactions were positive for the most part, except for mine. Suddenly I was being lumped into a category of spoiled children. This would later unfold as personal independence that would rub my father’s wife the wrong way.
                  The next seven years are scattered with memories that I have put a great deal of time and energy into repressing. Some people say that it is unhealthy to skip over things that have left a mark on you, I strongly disagree with them. Having already lived through certain experiences, it is obvious that I have made it to the other side of the tunnel. It seems self indulgent to turn back and trek through things again; doing so can only make a person more bitter and cynical than they already are. I should mention the seventh year is when my father and his second wife divorced.
                  Next comes graduation. I finished high school as a junior because I had a decent job and the prospect of being on my own was the only thing that interested me. Living with a parent, even one that was far from strict, didn’t appeal. There were plans in the back of my head and they weren’t being accomplished sitting in a small town where being anything other than status quo was acceptable. I moved out the day after graduation at the age of seventeen and didn’t look back. This is not to say that I’m not close with my parents. They have no choice but to accept that I am determined to do what I want at all costs.
                  After high school I continued to work and move up the management ladder in my job. I moved around, constantly feeling restless and out of sorts with myself. The memories here become so faded that I’m not sure which are real and which are after thoughts that my mind has crafted. There’s not much detail to be recalled but the facts are there. I finished my Associate’s degree in English and moved onto my Bachelor’s. I moved several more times, finally settling in Brooklyn and mentally calming down a bit. Out of all the things I’ve forgotten, a conversation with my mother is burned into my mind. She once mentioned understanding the feelings of restlessness that I’ve often talked about. She was plagued by the same problem, which explains many life lessons she had to learn the hard way. It made me feel better until I asked when she felt things had begun to calm down. She’s forty-eight and they haven’t.
                  The last two years of my life are what I can recount in the most intricate of details. I know where I’ve gone, who was around, and exactly what I was thinking. However, none of that is due to an improved performance in memory, but the assistance of a blog. Nothing of great interest or profound change has happened in the short time I’ve been using the online forget-me-not, but it has been helpful to have the ability to read things that have happened and know that’s actually what happened. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bruise Me

Months ago I had another London encounter. Why didn't I mention it before? This happened right before I met Shew and it kind of fell into the back of my mind, but with London back in town it has resurfaced!

In case you haven't read all of my posts: I know London through Wall Street. I was "dating" Wall Street and London was his friend. London moved to London and then we reconnected on Facebook where it turned out we both were harboring sexy feelings. Now he drops in for sexy visits.

This last visit was more of a date, something I learned from Facebook. London mentioned being excited about his date the following night (me), and Wall Street commented about sloppy seconds. It's impossible for me to be sloppy seconds because Wall Street never got a serving. Technically, I would be something like leftovers.

So, London said that I wouldn't be seeing Wall Street this go around. It was my mission to avoid dealing with Wall Street drama when trying to get in London time, sadly this did not mean I wouldn't be dealing with other friends. There's this one little gay douche that London is friends with and I hate his face. Every time he re-meets me, he pulls the 'I don't know you' routine. He knows me. (While I was hanging out with Wall Street I called him a bitch while intoxicated.) We had two drinks and then headed off to dinner where there were no gays hanging around that I know someday will have to be burned by me at the stake.

A bottle of wine, two more vodka drinks and we were at the club. Beer. Beer. Beer… and dancing. I was feeling that special kind of good where you know you're sexy, but in reality people are hoping you don't puke. Then it was time to play. We went to London's friends apartment and I sat on the edge of the fold out sofa. In a split second I was on my face in handcuffs. Bondage is not my thing. Losing control is scary! The sexy business was so fun that inch thick bruises wrapped around both of my wrists the next day.

However, the defining moment of the night actually came in the morning. I woke up three hours later still properly drunk. Clumsily, I dressed and said goodbye. Waiting for the elevator, my stomach began to gurgle. There was no choice but to go back. I knocked and London answered. He asked, "Forget something?" I smiled and replied, "I just need to use the bathroom really quick... to throw up." Five minutes later I was set and on my way. This vomit moment only rivals the one from seven years ago when I puked right before my first time with the Trainer. OY!

Another London adventure put to rest, and I believe this week will add an appropriate addition to the story. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Break-Up Sex

There's a first time for everything. I'm no virgin, but once again something has come along that's so titillating that I'm buzzing with excitement. For the first time, in all of my dating history, I've had the break-up sex.

It's true! There have been other times that might seem to fit this description, but this is the real deal. There've been a few guys that I played the off and ever so exciting on again game with, falling in and out of the sack with them. What makes this time different from any of those is that when they were over… they were over like an old man without a prescription for viagra.

Shew and I have decided that we can remain friends, and I think we may be able to achieve this amazing feat (though I'm told it's impossible). What we had was great except for the sexpectations. The jokes and Saturday outings were all fun and games, just like any friends would have. So, why can't that remain even after the dating portion of the game has concluded?

Last Sunday, when coming back from Baltimore, I asked Shew if it would be okay to stay at his house. It was usually much easier than going back to Brooklyn, but this time had to be different. The bus made extra stops in the Chinatown of Brooklyn and then actually dumped me off in Chinatown where a fire was raging. There were no cabs and all of the trains were a million miles off. Arriving at Shew's, I was tired and ready to cry. It was that special kind of frustrating that has you ready to throw yourself from a 6th story window.

Shew had been nice enough to grab food so I could eat upon arrival. We went to bed and there was a little bit of weirdness. He wanted a good night kiss, which I didn't think was a big deal, so I gave him one. That turned into a longer kiss… and then a longer kiss… and then whoops a penis was in a mouth. This supports my idea that I'm better in the sex department when it's a one time deal, because this was a one time deal. I don't sleep with my friends.

So, with a 'p' to the 'a' we put the final nail and our relationship to rest. We are ready to proceed as friends!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sex = Ex

If bets were placed on how long Shew and I would last, anyone that guessed just over three months is the big winner. Slightly longer than my average relationship, bringing me toxic dating status to a tolerable level.

The claim has come from my own mouth that I am a proud lesbian. This break-up confirms this to be true. Once again a relationship has ended because I am in the slow sexual lane (this contradicts many popular opinions about me... suck on that bitches). It's this odd thing that happens in my brain. When Shew and I first started hanging out I wanted to bang the Jew out of him, but he wanted to take things slow... which we did. After changing our status to "officially dating" my penis turned off.

See, when dating, I don't think sex needs to be a part of things. You should be interested in everything except sex, kind of like we're a couple that's been married for too many years. The guy part of my brain says it's more interesting to be single and have random one nighters along the way, where the girl part of me gets into the relationship and slips the chastity belt on. It's a mystery... a sexual mystery.

The break up was probably the most adult of any I've had to date. There was no yelling, fighting or tears. It was very straight to the point and problem. Shew and I decided we're better off as friends, which is more or less what we were the entire time because I kept my pants on so tight it cut off his circulation. Time will tell if we are actually able to make the friends thing work, I've only been able to truly do it a time or two. There are random ex's that move in and out of my life, but we're anything but friends. Most of my ex's are like familiar douche bags that spill into my life every blue moon and give me that bitter wrinkle causing face.

Now that I have resumed single life the lesbian in me can truly be free to let her mullet down. It's going to be flannel, beer and vag from here on out. Well, until I get that evil dating itch again. Any bets on how long before that is?