Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pretty Pretty Pretty

Is it such a bad thing to have this concept floating around your head at all hours of the day and night? When vanity takes a key role in your life is it something to be revered, or something to be corrected?
The Animator had made comment on my ability to “space out” during a conversation. He jokingly mentioned that he envisions me saying, “pretty, pretty, pretty” inside my head. Some of the time I am, who am I to kid you? There are other times that I’m actually just lost in thought, or even completely turned off. There’s no need to run your brain 24-hours a day, give it a rest.
I bring this up after watching ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’. I thought the movie was ok, but overall it felt like a normal day in the life of a New Yorker. There was nothing that remarkable about this girls’ life, aside from the fantasy romance that is completely unrealistic. Though I do understand the high received when swiping your card for that new pair of jeans, or that shirt that you can’t live another moment without.
What’s my pretty point? This: We use shopping to fill the gaps within ourselves, not to mention a handful of other things. Such as: friends, alcohol, boyfriends and vibrators (for some). I’ve always been one to choose myself over anyone else. In my list of priorities I’m up there on the list, along with work, school friends, and pets. Relationships don’t even round out my top ten priorities in life. I’ve left guys for not liking my friends, I’ve felt sweaters instead of emotions and I’ve moved along a path that leads to labels, not love.
The dilemma I’m facing is my inability to understand why people consider a label life to be a bad decision over a love life. Love is promised to fade, how can it not when we live in a society that encourages us to break up, move on, and start over again? Knowing I’m probably destined to spend the rest of my life in short-term mostly meaningless relationships, why not chose the jeans over the jerks? I know if one guy doesn’t fit, the jeans will, and if they don’t I can exchange them for store credit. On second thought, if the city were willing to offer a love-back guarantee with every relationship, I might be more willing to make the investment.
For now, I’ll stick to what I know. Enjoy my friends, don’t invest in anything that can’t be hung in a closet, and don’t max out the physical or emotional credit limit under any circumstances (the interest on both is higher than anyone can ever payback).

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