Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last Friday Night

Foxxy Business and I set out for a few drinks, hitting the usual haunts. A few hours passed, a nice buzz set in and things wrapped up with fast food and a late train ride home. That seemed to be the end of things as I made my way home. The couch called at to did the forty chilling in the fridge.

Delta had other plans. Around 2:00 a.m. the text messages began to roll in, beckoning me to meet up at Bar East. A resisted as long as possible, but when he upped the ante and offered to pay for drinks it was impossible to say no. It was one of those Grindr free meet-ups that you knew would have the same outcome. Letting my impaired judgement get the best of me I headed out the door and up the street.

We drank for a few hours, some random drunk girl coming over to escape her date. She was entertaining until she decided to start asking questions about gay people. Unfortunately, I'm not a gay wiki waiting for her to peruse my selection. Once rid of the bug-eyed Betty, Delta suggested we leave and I swear tried to end the night and go home. Delta then told me he had beers at home in the fridge - it's like catnip to me!

At Delta's place, by the way he earned this name based on his place of employment (don't judge me for playing with a flight attendant), we had the crappiest airline beers I've ever had. Just because they say they're Italian, does not mean the taste is better. The beer was followed by mediocre kissing and if I was a wise man things would have ended based on this. No, I continued.

If you aren't cut then leaving your shirt on is a requirement - mostly because I don't need the memory tainted by flab. Once that was our of the way, pants came off and I'll be damned if his little soldier wasn't less than average. At this point I'd checked out and needed to wrap things up and leave. Delta on the other hand was just getting started.

Delta performed the two things that make me cringe. He's a booty licker and a finger sticker. - nooooo! It was like trying to fight off an Asian impatiently waiting to take your order. Once I put the kibosh on that I had to finish Delta off so I could escape. He was all hands, making it impossible to concentrate. Finally I gave up and faked it with a moan and a hand full of spit. It's amazing how many guys can be fooled in the dark. What a dumb-ass.

It made for an interesting night as I made my way home around six. Now I'm left avoiding texts and hoping to not run into Delta on the train. There will definitely not be a second performance. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sexy Business

Meeting people in bars isn't really my thing. Now and again there is a little casual conversation, but generally I'm with friends so I don't truly engage. Tonight was different.

My boss and I sat at the bar of a restaurant that we frequent, me drinking a beer and my boss chatting away on his phone. The man next to me was busy with chicken wings and felt compelled to speak. First he said hello. Out of politeness I replied with a, "hello." Then he told me about the food, asked where I was from, inquired as to why I was a the bar and even who was the man on the phone.

All was more than regular... I thought. Half an hour later he asked for my number and prepared to leave. This was a shock as we were no where near a gay bar and he didn't look like a closet case. Reluctantly I gave up my number - I'm in a foreign city, what could it hurt. You never really believe you'll hear from anyone you give a number out to...I'll be damned if he didn't text me within an hour.

I am pro sexy adventure and less interested in dating, so as the texts began to transition into the world of sexts I started to get cocky. He flirted, I flirted and then I told him to come over. As soon as I sent the text I felt my heart jump into my throat. What was I thinking, who was this person?!

Hook ups are awkward, let's be honest. It's made even worse when you're totally sober and the person is standing in front of you. Gay hook ups can be even more difficult. Who makes the first move, what if you're both aggressive? It runs the risk of turning into an endless loop of kissing and hair pulling!

It went well, but let me point out why this was actually a sexy adventure. Other than the fact that most New York City boys wouldn't be caught dead running around in a hat and jersey. Straight-ish boys are a plus. Also, boys outside the city don't need constant affirmation of how amazing they are and how cute. I of course do live in the city so I need this attention which Jersey was happy to provide without prompting. Two thumbs up for the out-of-town hotel fun.

Now we have to wait and see if he texts for seconds, or if he is truly like a straight-hump-and-chuck kinda guy.